Center for European Integration Strategies
The Executive Council of the « Association Bosnia and Herzegovina 2005 » decided to launch the Center for European Integration Strategies (CEIS) to continue some of the work undertaken by the association between 2003 and 2005. The CEIS was active as a think tank to follow up on the work initiated by the Association and to implement the conclusions of the Geneva conference as well as of a seminar held in Vienna on 18 November 2005, focusing on EU integration processes and the regional dimension in the Western Balkans. The CEIS pursued its mission through offices in Geneva, Vienna and Sarajevo and an international network of scholars and analysts.
Dilemmata im Prozess der “Europäisierung”
CEIS Working Papers Series Nr 1 / 2007
Results First, Exit Later
CEIS Policy Brief Nr 1 / 2007
Verfassungsdebatte in Bosnien
CEIS Working Paper Series Nr 1 / 2006
How (Not) to End
CEIS Policy Brief Nr 6 / 2006
Overcoming the War in the Heads
CEIS Policy Brief Nr 5 / 2006
Police and Intelligence Reforms
CEIS Policy Brief Nr 4 / 2006
Ready for Visa relaxation
CEIS Policy Brief Nr 3 / 2006
Austrian Presidency of the EU
Denisa Kostovicova and Vesna Bojicic-Dzelilovic (Eds), Vienna: Renner 2006.
An Agenda for the Last High Rep’
CEIS Policy Brief Nr 2 / 2006
Austrian Presidency of the EU
CEIS Policy Brief Nr 1 / 2006