In Transformacija hrvatske: sljedeci korak, leading policy-oriented scholars and practitioners from Zagreb and Split draw on years of experience to critically assess the transition process in post-independence Croatia. Wide-ranging contributions analyse how the interpretation of national sovereignty has evolved in this post-communist transition, investigate the prospects for civil-social engagement in a future without civil society, and discuss the pervasive effects of external assistance as well as the considerable challenges Croatia’s economy faces – above all the need for changes in the mindset of entrepreneurs and society in general. Arguing for a more nuanced understanding of Croatia, and exploring at the same time the crucial role « ownership » plays in the success of these initiatives, the book provides insight into problems now emerging in the nation’s current stage of development.
Edited by Srđan Dvornik and Christophe Solioz with contributions from Ivo Bićanić | Srđan Dvornik | Žarko Puhosvki | Srđan Vrcan.