Serbia Matters

Wolfgang Petritsch, Goran Svilanović and Christophe Solioz (Eds), Baden-Baden: Nomos | SEIP, vol. 1, 2009.

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Serbia Matters presents policy essays on Serbia’s post-Milosevic era written by internationally recognised authors, policymakers, academics, practitioners and political analysts actively engaged in the Balkans discourse. Since 2000 Serbia has moved from a decade of wars and delayed transition towards European integration. The book assesses the country’s present state of affairs, recent achievements and future challenges. It also offers pertinent analyses and compelling arguments as to why Serbia’s accession to the European Union matters as much for Belgrade as it does for the whole Western Balkans. This book is written with the aim of helping to persuade both Serbia’s leaders and citizens and those Member States of the European Union who are hit by ‘enlargement fatigue’ that the country ought to have its rightful place in the EU and that there is no alternative to the reform process.

With contributions from: Franz-Lothar Altmann | Giuliano Amato | Mihail Arandarenko | Judy Batt | Florian Bieber | Sonja Biserko | Erhard Busek | Ivan Čolović | Milica Delević | Vojin Dimitrijević | Michael Ehrke | Vladimir Gligorov | Eric Gordy | Tim Judah | Biljana Kovačević Vučo | Ivan Krastev | Ola Listhaug | Tanja Miščević | Dušan Pavlović | Wolfgang Petritsch | Alexander Petritz | Aaron Presnall | Sabrina Ramet | Irena Ristic | Obrad Savić | Christophe Solioz | Milko Štimac | Goran Svilanović | Hannes Swoboda | Romana Vlahutin | Vladimir Vuletić