Ethnopolitik in Bosnien-Herzegowina

Vedran Džihić, Baden-Baden: Nomos | Southeast European Integration Perspectives, vol. 2, 2009.

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Ethnopolitics in Bosnia and Herzegovina: State and Society in the Crisis presents for the first time in the German speaking area a comprehensive and up-to-date analysis of major trends in Bosnia and Herzegovina from the 1995 General Framework Agreement for Peace, brokered in Dayton, until 2009. The discussion of the contradictory development of the Bosnian national question and the rise of ethno-nationalism is followed by the critical assessment of relevant political, socio-economic and societal developments. The volume further systematically examines the « hidden weaknesses » of the Dayton Peace Agreement, looks at the reasons for the continuous obstructions imposed by ethnopolitics, presents a convincing explanation for the weak democratisation performance of the international community and dissects the factors hindering the « Europeanisation » in Bosnia and Herzegovina.